
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Whimsical and Windy Wednesday

If you have ready many of my stories/posts, you know that I am a huge believer in recording your life story.  So often, when we are younger, we don't have the time to stop and ask grandparents, or even parents, questions about their childhood, their parents, siblings and grandparents.

The stories I have shared in my sew along events Pieces From the Past, Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail and Pieces in the Garden were possible because there was a record of memories made by family members that obviously thought the same as me.

Our daughters had given a memory book full of questions to my Mom & Dad years ago... I knew that they had filled them out but have never laid eyes on them since, other than bits and pieces along the way.  As a Christmas gift to "Grandma Carol" they gave her a yearlong subscription to Storyworth.  Each week a new question is asked and emailed to the recipient.  At the end of the year, they will compile all of the questions and answers into a book.  Go check it out!  Here's the link... Storyworth ~ you will receive a $10 discount if you use this link as a referral.  Since she is doing this (again) she has had the chance to recall even more stories to share.  She has figured out how to go back and add any more that come to mind.  She has also started scanning and sharing the previous memory book we designed for her.  I think it will be quite the treasure once it is printed!

The free document "Priceless Conversations" is still available in my payhip store too. 😉  We are all a small blip on the radar in life...  "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." ~  James 4:14  

Be kind to others, treat them as you would like to be treated... Do good, not to be noticed or recognized by others, but because it is the right thing to do!  Small random acts of kindness can turn a bad day around and cause others to smile and pay it forward. 

I finished 14 quilted hearts during our road trip... I left a few here and there, 4 with my friend in Seymour, TX and have these 8 that will be left a little closer to home. 💖 

Can you tell that the wind is blowing?  
Can you see the clouds of the cold front coming in?
They are just so whimsical and charming, if I say so myself...

I have been following I Found A Quilted Heart on facebook and reading the stories from individuals that found a heart and how it touched them.  Many feel that the discovery of a quilted heart that needs a home is a message from beyond from a loved one, or an answer to their prayers offering a reassurance that everything is going to be fine.  If you are feeling down about the state of our country or the world, go make a visit to the site or page and you will be uplifted.  Guaranteed!

I had fun using up scrap ribbons, lace and buttons to decorate them... Here's a closer look at them.  I used some embroidery on them... like the middle one in the bottom row... I made French knots around the edge. Some of them have heavy quilting... some have just an outline.  I really like the pearl strands... can you tell? haha!  I've always loved vintage buttons and these hearts are a perfect project to feature some of them.  I explained to our friend Jack that I was trying to see just how gawdy I could make one of the hearts (upper row, middle).  I felt like the kid in class that had to cover the entire Valentine with glitter, stickers and more.  But it really didn't turn out all that bad. It had two larger sections of fabric that needed some "fancy" to dress it up.  

All of the lace, ribbons, buttons and such came from several friends "de-stashing"... a gift I am happy to share with others on these hearts.

What sort of "fancy" would you put on a quilted heart?

Not a creator?  What might you do if you found a heart like this?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Keep Piecing!


Linking with:

Put Your Foot Down at True Blue Quilts 
Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation
Free-Motion Mavericks at Quilting & Learning
Thankful Thursday at Brian's Home
Little Things Thursday at Good Random Fun
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Off The Wall Friday with Nina Marie
Brag About Your Beauties at From Bolt to Beauty
Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More
Friday Foto Fun at Powered by Quilting
Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts
Scrap Happy Saturday at Super Scrappy
Patchwork & Quilts at The Quilting Patch



  1. How wonderful that your daughters have a personal interest in their heritage. You did great on your hearts, they remind me a little of crazy quilting. I think that is what I would do if I made some - visible stitches and small buttons, maybe a little tuck of lace or tiny rick-rack. We have the wind today, along with chilled air, so thank you for sending that! :)

  2. The hearts are so pretty and what a fantastic thing to have a memory book like that. I can only imagine the many happy memories it triggered. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Oh my you have my attention- great hearts! I make quilted baby quilts when one is coming in our families or friends lives! I will make some with hearts for sure! Thanks and cheers!

  4. I absolutely love your quilted hearts Melva - you've inspired me to use up some scraps and have a go. I'll go and look for the facebook group too. Thanks for the inspo :)

  5. I love the idea of the memory book for your daughters! I'm pretty sure I have your priceless conversations... somewhere... I should go hunt it up and use it! Also, need to make some hearts... :) xx

  6. I will definitely go check out Storyworth as well as the FB page. Around here, lots of people like to leave painted rocks along trails and sidewalks with encouraging words on them and I like the hearts idea, too.

  7. It is difficult to know where to start when recording memories for the younger generation. Storyworth does a good job in breaking down the job into small meaningful steps. A bit like doing one heart at a time. You've got quite a variety. I particularly enjoyed the diversity of the loops.

  8. Hi Melva, I really love your idea of making and leaving those quilted hearts. I'm going to look into it and see if I can make a few before my trip. Those hearts in the tree look wonderful! Thanks as always for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks.

  9. Storyworth sounds amazing! Your quilted hearts are so fun and I'm sure they will brighten someone's day!

  10. your hearts are so pretty! and they will definitely lighten someones day!!

  11. I've just been challenged with the "I Found A Quilted Heart" idea, so I found this post interesting. And entertaining. I think I like the busiest heart the best! So fun!
