
Monday, December 27, 2021

2022 Planning Party

 It is always good to have a plan... a plan helps to keep one on track (well, usually!)  Sometimes we make plans and God laughs...

Yvonne at Quilting Jetgirl has an annual party encouraging quilters to look ahead and set goals.  As she said...  "I always start by reviewing my goals for the previous year."  I've done that in my Year End Review... You can read the whole story by following the highlighted link.  In short, I had five goals and I successfully followed through with three of them...

 Host a second sew along - Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail

Make a whole cloth quilt

Do some Quilt-as-you-go quilting

 Grow our Camping Journal Quilt

As I look to 2022...  I see a blank slate.  To be honest, there are many options and when I step back and look at them, I get a bit overwhelmed.

I keep considering hosting another sew along... yet I think I want to expand with the two that I completed this year.  I am partnering with a quilt shop in Raton, NM to offer a block of the month event with the Pieces From the Past patterns.  The owner also expressed interest in the Santa Fe Trail BOM when the Pieces from the Past is complete.

But I have so many unknowns... For those that have traveled to offer programs of this sort to quilting clubs and guilds, or for those that have booked/scheduled such programs...  

Where do I start?  

What things do I want to avoid?  How are fees/cost calculated?  And SO many more!  

All advice, suggestions and tips are welcome!  Ready...  Go!

Keep Piecing!


On a personal note... for the last several years I have had a focus word.  The word that continues to come to me is SUCCESS.  More specifically, from 1 Samuel 18:14... In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him.  I have had an internal argument that it seems prideful... or boastful... I, myself, cannot measure the greatness of success.  Against what do I measure it?  Previous years?  Others?  

In the end, I have accepted the word given to me and know that my success in whatever I endeavor will be ONLY because the Lord will be with me.

Linking with:

2022 Planning Party at Quilting Jetgirl
To Do Tuesday at Texas Quilt Gal
Mid-week Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter
Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Off The Wall Friday with Nina Marie
Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More
Friday Foto Fun at Powered by Quilting
Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts
Scrap Happy Saturday at Super Scrappy
Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate
Patchwork & Quilts at The Quilting Patch


  1. I wish you much quilting joy as you navigate the best path for you in 2022. I'm very uncertain of in person events but have my own scheduled for January and February right now. We'll see if they actually happen.

  2. Oh you are way ahead of me in the planning department! But I'm just tired from taking down Christmas decorations this morning. I enjoy putting them up, and I also enjoy carefully wrapping everything and packing it away. My husband is glad I get so much joy from both activities - lol!
    I like the reminder that God wants the best for us, and that certainly includes "Success"!
    Happy New Year Melva!

  3. Love the final sentence of your personal note, Melva. May the Lord be with you!

  4. I'm going to be working on using up the strips of Christmas fabrics I've been cutting, 8 1/2", 4 1/2". 2 1/2" and 1 1/2". If the print is LARGE only the large cut happens, if it is very small print only the other smaller sizes are cut, depending upon how much fabric I have, of course. Once I get that bin of fabric mostly cut (leftovers will be in there till I need them, and larger border type fabrics as well.) then I'll begin.

  5. I guess 'success' can become prideful depending on how we choose to measure it. If our successes come about as we walk in obedience to Him then it's good to be able to acknowledge success in terms of God's blessings given to us.

  6. I love it .... "God laughs". How true! But, in spite of an odd year you did get so much done. Good luck with 2022 and navigating the business of in-person events. Sorry I have no advice except to ask for what you want - not so easy for many of us.

  7. Oh so true on the making plans and then God laughs! I think it is his way of helping us 'go with the flow'! Personally, I think success is measured in being a good person, helping others and living your best self. Good luck with the challenge and hope you enjoy a healthy and successful 2022.

  8. I am happy to hear that you may partner with the quilt shop in Raton with a BOM! I will be eager to join in 2022! My local quilt shop, Be Sew Creative, has hosted many BOMs and perhaps could offer some guidance in your questions. Marsha, the owner, has loved and supported many through their endeavors. You are an amazing lady and I will be praying for God to lead you in wisdom and discernment!

  9. I love your Camping Journal Quilt, such inspiring! Hope you can plan events like a new SAL when you will be ready. Happy New Year, and success is a great word ;)
    Thank you for sharing and linking up.

  10. Happy new year! Such a colourful quilts . May your year be as pretty and colourful!

  11. You did an awesome job of those goals - and they were so fun to watch come together!!!
    I giggled - and God Laughs.... I get that!
    But Success - that is a great word - I think its not boastful but sets the goal you want to achieve for each step of the way. Go you!!!! Here's to another Successful Year!!!!

  12. You did great in 2021 and I'm sure you will in 2022. I too think you can do more with the two sew alongs you've done and working on that is a great goal! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss. Happy New Year!
