
Monday, August 9, 2021

Caught Up!

August... the month of the calendar that seems to get many last minute, end-of-the-summer activities added to it and suddenly you realize that it is FULL!

While Dave was away last week I got caught up!  Or so I thought!  Let's take a look at last week's list...

❧  help a friend learn how to do Foundation Paper Piecing - This didn't happen because my friend's schedule was too full. 😕  

But that gave me plenty of time to make labels for five (5!) quilts.  One was my customer's memory quilt which received a label, was laundered and sent off to its proper home.  

One label was for a quilt from my inventory and will be a wedding gift for a cousin getting married this month.  

The third label was for my customer's Cake Walk Quilt

Back to my list...  more on label 4 & 5 in a moment.

✔  soaring bird and
big horn sheep blocks - Bird done, plus a tree and a flower, but not the big horn sheep.  

✔❧  wall hanging for a new Mom at church 

Labels 4 & 5 were for the gifts for the baby shower, this wall hanging as well as a small "tummy time" quilt that came from my inventory.

The idea for this wall hanging was formed in my mind well before I had even looked through my stash.  

It took some digging in my stash to find exactly what I wanted, but I was blessed to have exactly what I needed!  The horse print was left over from a project that I had made for a friend's grand-daughters about 10 years ago, the pink paisley was left over from a scrub top I made for our daughter and the brown was just hanging around from a quilt I finished a year ago.  The lower boot portion was a small scrap from a friend that has crosses and the Christian fish symbols on it.

The addition of the origami butterfly ended up being the perfect accent to fill that space.  The instructions were found over at Michelle's site, "The Creative Blonde".

So... what will I be focused on this week?  I'll be visiting some girlfriends this week... so I'm not really sure how much sewing or quilting I will get to... but I can guarantee that we will experience some fun times, good food, deep conversations and laughter - and laughter is always good for the soul!  

Laughter is almost as good as a long therapy session of creating in my studio. Okay, it could be even better than that.   

❧  I'll take along my Postcard patterns and supplies, and I may actually get that big horn sheep block pieced (FINALLY!), as well as knock off a few other items on the Sewing challenge list.

❧  Release block #7 of the Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail Sew Along... You can find all of the details if you follow the above link.

I guess I did better on my list than I had originally thought!  One item was beyond my control, and most of the remaining items I did were "bonus" items.  I was disappointed that my friend wasn't able to come over for a "play date" and learn how to do FPP, but this brings me to the question...

Have you ever done FPP?  What is it that you like about this technique?

If you have done it, do you like it?  Have you taught anyone this technique?

Stay pieceful!


Linking with:

Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate
Patchwork & Quilts at The Quilting Patch
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
To Do Tuesday at Chris Knits & Sews
Mid-week Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter
Stitch Sew & Show at Life in the Scrap Patch


  1. I enjoy FPP. I don't do it as often as I used to, but I get a kick out of how accurate the blocks turn out. I haven't ever taught it. You have done well this week!

  2. I love FPP, and it's my favorite quiltmaking method. I have taught it to friends and their daughters. So much fun!
    Nice to label four quilts in one week!
    Thank you for linking up ❤️

  3. I think you did a great job on your list, Melva! I took a class in FPP at my LQS. It's OK, but honestly I much prefer regular piecing!! It is great for accuracy and precise points though!!

  4. I like FPP because it is so accurate. Points come out pointy, etc. I like the type of blocks that are made with paper piecing, New York Beauty, Pickle dish and such. I have a Judy Neimeyer quilt on my bucket list.

  5. I have done FPP! I wish I was better at it! For some reason my brain has trouble with making sure the piece is big enough! And I’m such a thrifty sewer! I can hardly bear to waste fabric! Such problems! !

  6. It looks like a full list to me! LOL Thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday and good luck with next week's list.

  7. You did great with your list, Melva.
    I have done Foundation Paper Piecing before, but for some reason, it was years ago.

  8. It's always good to label your quilts. Great that you found time to do that. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. I've done FPP with heavy tracing paper, years ago, but now prefer the method where you use freezer paper, and fold it back, stitching close to the fold rather than stitching through the paper. Dot
