
Monday, January 5, 2015

Inspiration and Goals

I enjoyed the last few quiet weeks of 2014.  It was a mini-vacation from my studio, but I have jumped right into 2015 with quilting projects underway...

Dave and I will be making a road trip to Dallas in a few weeks and I have my hand sewing project ready to go. 

My inspiration for the project..

And my color choices for my quilt...  My half-square triangles will be hand stitched and with attention to the placement of the colors, a zig-zag pattern will emerge.  I really like the simply stated pattern and the fact that they are offset from the center.
I find inspiration from many things... Many from other quilts.  I will peruse the catalogs from some of the quilting supply companies for quilts, blocks and kits as well as a few quilting magazines.
Inspiration also comes from nature and home improvement stores.  Yes, home improvement stores.  The tile displays and colors are great!  I know that I am not alone in the source of inspiration because I have read quite a few blogs that refer to them.
With the turn of the calendar to a new year, some people make resolutions or goals or accept challenges of one sort or another.
I don't tend to do this and thought about setting a few goals for 2015...  things like - Not buying fabric just to add to my stash - I haven't done this for over a year.  I have been gifted with fabric from others so I don't need to "add to my stash".
I also thought of planning or estimating how many quilts I would like to make this year... Because I am a self-driven and task or goal oriented, I could see the fun being taken out of such a goal.  It would become all about "making X number of quilts", such as two a month.  But if I fail to meet the "goal" I would likely flog myself for "failing" to meet my goal.  So, no, not that goal either.  Unless I go totally under-achiever and say I want to make two quilts this year and take the pressure off of myself and build myself up in my mind by overcoming such a goal.  Lame...
I think the best goal that I could set for myself is to simply find joy in each project as I find inspiration and the satisfaction that the joy I feel in making each quilt or table runner or wine bag, or whatever. That that joy I feel would be passed along and shared with the receiver of the item.
Yup, that sounds like the best goal I could set... to find joy in my work and to bless others.
May you have a blessed year!
See what other quilters are blogging about at Quilter Blogs

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