
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Christmas in October

I will be one of the first to complain about the marketing and commercialism of Christmas beginning earlier and earlier.  While I don't necessarily agree with the introduction of Christmas ads in October, I can appreciate those individuals that like to plan and shop early for gifts.  And I can appreciate the stores that offer a lay-away plan for those that actually budget and plan for large purchases rather than just using a credit card and leaving the individual to worry about paying later.

My husband's family has had a Christmas gift exchange for years and I am always excited when the names get drawn and I have the time so that I can plan for an extra special gift that is made especially for them.  I have made quilts (of course!), table runners, cake/casserole carriers, ornaments and Christmas/Advent calendars.... among other things...

As silly as it may seem, I think I get as much, maybe more, enjoyment out of making and giving a special gift than the ones that receive them.  I had such fun making the calendar and finding and making the special little ornaments that fit into the pockets!  Butterflies, satin balls, icicles, and stockings...
Speaking of Christmas Stockings...  Check out these two Victorian stockings...
One came to me nearly finished... But it needed a mate.  It was super easy and fun to make.  They will be among some of the items I will have for sale at a Christmas Craft Extravaganza on December 6th. 
But, if you are one that loves to shop early for Christmas gifts and want something special made for someone, keep me in mind!  I love putting my heart and soul into special, one-of-a-kind gifts.
Happy gifting!
Are you interested in what other quilters blog about?  Check out


Thursday, October 16, 2014

For a Good Cause

Okie dokie, folks... Here it is!  My Breast Cancer Awareness quilt. 

My thought was, when I started the project, was to make it, set a price, list it on facebook and have it available for someone to purchase with a portion of my profit to go to the American Cancer Society or the Susan G Komen Foundation.
I still want to sell this quilt...  But I need some help and some feedback. 
1.  Would my blog readers and facebook friends be willing to share the photo of the quilt?
2.  Should I just give first shot to someone interested? 
3.  Or would it be better to use e-bay and allow an auction to take place and/or buy it now option? Again, I could use some help with "sharing" the auction link and getting the word out to the world.

4.  If I list on e-bay, there is an option for a portion of the sale to automatically go to the Komen Foundation... would that be a good option?  (I recently saw a thing about "think before you pink" and that less than 20% of the donations to the Komen Foundation are used for continuing research = 80% goes to administration.)  Is there a "better" organization to make a donation to?

5.  Or should I just donate the quilt to a local group to raffle/auction/sell the quilt at a fundraiser event?

These are just a few of my now confused thoughts... I truly want to make the biggest impact and difference that a small lap quilt could make.  Help me!

Leave me some feedback, thoughts or suggestions... Thanks!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sun vs. Moon

So facebook doesn't want to cooperate with me this morning and share a picture of this morning's sunrise... :P

With all the hubbub about the blood moon... which was kinda cool.  A shot taken by my brother-in-law...

But not to be out done...

Now granted the flaming maple trees were beat up very badly by the four serious hail storms we had this summer and it could have been much more picturesque, but none the less...

We are enjoying an Indian Summer for now and look forward to some time with family this weekend.  My plan is to squeeze in just a bit more time quilting the T-shirt quilts I have been working on - but if I don't get to there is always next week.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!