
Thursday, July 25, 2013

The acceptance letter...

The day had been a frustrating day... until I opened my e-mail as we waited for friends to arrive for an evening of socializing. There I saw it. A message from the editor of Quiltmaker Magazine. I first thought it might be about an application that I had sent in to be part of a group to make a quilt using one of the block patterns from their recent volume 7 of 100 Blocks. Or a thank you for my recently renewed subscription. Instead I found this...

Dear Melva,

Congratulations! Your block (Pieces of My Heart) has been chosen to be included in 100 Blocks, vol. 8, on sale November 19, 2013.  More information will be coming shortly regarding the blog tour, promotions and more.


I was so excited! I was, actually, quite shocked. You see the original paperwork had stated that I should be notified within two months of the deadline - that was March 1. When May 1 came and went I figured my two blocks that had been submitted had been passed over.

Not that I am complaining, I mean we had plenty going on in our lives (still do), but I am in a much better frame of mind to fully absorb the experience.

Now, I have the opportunity to create a quilt using my block design to possibly be included in the designer's galler in the magazine and/or to be a part of the gallery exhibit in their office in Golden, CO. 

I have spent much of this summer working along side of my husband, Dave helping him do roofing projects, installing an attic fan, and putting in insulation and drywall in his shop.  And since Dave's shop is nearly done I should have the opportunity to spend a little more time in my sewing room.  I believe my construction work is done! 

I am off to my sewing room...